K-POD – PN 900

KARAM introduces K-Pod which provides a safe and secure system for easy access to confined spaces. The K-Pod is an ideal choice to provide overhead anchorage which can be mounted on different bases.

  • Made of highly corrosion resistant stainless steel, and can swivel a complete 360 degrees on its mounted base, hence providing a versatile reach and access
  • Height of the cantilever arm of the K-pod is adjustable at 3 defined points, with upper height adjustment of 2.3m, middle arm adjustment of 1.9m, and lower arm adjustment at 1.5m. This enables the use of the K-pod even in those areas where the roof height is small
  • Can be easily mounted on the floor as well as on the wall through special floor and wall mounting brackets which are made available as per need. The K-pod can also be mounted on the floor of heavy vehicles, hence making it extremely versatile in use
  • Cantilever is equipped with universal mounting bracket PN900(14) to install winches PN801(DP), PN801(40) (DP) and PN817(DP), PN818, PN818(DP), PN818(SR)(DP) onto the K-pod.
  • Retrieval fall arrester block Ref. PCGS30R, PCGS25R, PCGS20R(N) can also be installed for easy retrieval and arresting the fall of the user using the specialized mounting bracket Ref. PN900(06) and PN900(07) respectively


EN 795:2012 Type A, Atex 2014/34/EU and Certified to AS/NZS 5532:2013

SKU: PN 900 Categories: , Tags: ,


Body made up of highly corrosion resistant Stainless Steel
Two eye bolts (Stainless Steel) at cantilever arm for anchor

Watch a video on the the K-Pod by following the QR code: 

